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10,00 €
Gli anni 60/70 CD

10,00 €
di Stephen Frears,
20th Century Fox
The 1997 general election has Tony Blair and the Labour Party elected as government, on a manifesto of reform and modernisation. Less than four months later, Diana, Princess of Wales, is killed in a car crash at the Alma Bridge tunnel in Paris. Immediately, her death presents problems for her former husband, Prince Charles, and the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to accord the mother of a future king who is no longer a member of the royal family. Queen Elizabeth II wonders if Blair will turn his modernisation pledge on to the royal family since he attempts to have her reconsider her views on the funeral plans. Diana’s family, the Spencers, calls for the funeral to be private...
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 00:01 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Blade Trinity DVD ENGLISH
di David S. Goyer,
New Line Cinema
A small group of vampires investigate an ancient tomb in the Syrian Desert, which they believe belongs to Dracula, the first vampire. To keep Blade from interfering, they frame him for the murder of a human familiar. FBI agents subsequently locate Blade’s hideout and kill his mentor and friend, Abraham Whistler. Demoralized, Blade surrenders and is arrested. The vampires’ familiars have arranged for the authorities to turn Blade over to them. He is rescued by Hannibal King and Abigail Whistler, Abraham’s daughter, who invite Blade to join their band of vampire hunters, the Nightstalkers. From them, Blade learns that Danica Talos, an old enemy of King, has revived Dracula, or Drake, with the goal of using his powers to cure vampires of their weaknesses. As the first of the vampires, Drake is able to survive in sunlight. Along with newly-innovative ultraviolet Sun dog ammunition, the Nightstalkers have created an experimental bioweapon known as Daystar, capable of killing vampires at the genetic level. However, they need a purer blood source to make it effective. As Drake is too powerful to kill via normal means, they hope that the virus will kill him and, with his blood in the mix, ensure the rest of the species is wiped out; but also fear that this will include Blade...
Potrebbero essere presenti dei graffi che non intaccano la qualità del disco.
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 21:46 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
di Roland Emmerich,
Columbia Tristar Pictures
An iguana nest is exposed to the fallout of a military nuclear test in French Polynesia. In the South Pacific Ocean, a Japanese fishing vessel is suddenly attacked by a giant creature, with only one fisherman surviving. Dr. Niko Nick Tatopoulos, an NRC scientist, is in the Chernobyl exclusion zone researching the effects of radiation on wildlife, but is interrupted by an official from the U.S. State Department. In Tahiti, a mysterious Frenchman questions the traumatized survivor over what he witnessed, who repeatedly replies Gojira. Nick is sent to Panama and Jamaica to study a trail of wreckage leading to the recovered Japanese fishing ship with massive claw marks on it. Nick identifies skin samples he discovered in the shipwreck as belonging to an unknown species. He dismisses the military’s theory of the creature being a living dinosaur, instead deducing it is a mutant created by nuclear testing...
In vendita da martedì 15 novembre 2022 alle 19:56 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Pocahontas II - Il ritorno di John Smith Le favole più belle VHS
di Pausoka,
Nel 1614 John Smith ritorna a Jamestown in cerca di Pocahontas. Non appena arrivato, John Smith scopre che la tregua tra la tribù indiana Powhatan e i colonizzatori bianchi si è interrotta e che Pocahontas e la sua gente hanno dovuto scappare nell’entroterra. Il valoroso Capitan Smith dovrà affrontare un lunghissimo viaggio e cercar di superare innumerevoli ostacoli d’ogni genere per poter ritrovare il suo grande amore, la Principessa Pocahontas...
In vendita da giovedì 18 gennaio 2024 alle 22:30 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
di Ridley Scott,
Columbia Tristar Pictures
In 180 AD, Hispano-Roman General Maximus Decimus Meridius intends to return home after he leads the Roman army to victory against the Germanic tribes near Vindobona on the Limes Germanicus. Emperor Marcus Aurelius tells Maximus that his own son, Commodus, is unfit to rule and that he wishes Maximus to succeed him, as regent, to help save Rome from corruption and restore the republic. Upon hearing this, Commodus murders his father. Commodus proclaims himself the new emperor, asking Maximus for his loyalty, but the latter refuses. Maximus is arrested by the Praetorian Guard and is told that he and his family will die. He kills his captors and, wounded, he rides for his home near Trujillo, only to find his wife and son crucified. Maximus buries them, then collapses from his injuries. Slavers find him, and take him to the city of Zucchabar in the Roman province of Mauretania Caesariensis, where he is sold to gladiator trainer Proximo...
In vendita da martedì 15 novembre 2022 alle 21:03 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Elizabeth: The Golden Age DVD ENGLISH
di Shekhar Kapur,
2007 ,
Universal Pictures
In 1585, Catholic Spain, ruled by King Philip of Spain (Jordi Mollà), is the most powerful country in the world. Seeing Protestant England as a threat, and in retaliation for English piracy of Spanish ships, Philip plots to take over England and make his daughter, Isabella, the Queen of England in Elizabeth’s place. Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth I (Cate Blanchett) of England is pressured by her advisor, Francis Walsingham (Geoffrey Rush), to marry – if she dies childless, the throne will pass to her first cousin, once removed, Mary, Queen of Scots (Samantha Morton), who is Catholic. English explorer Walter Raleigh (Clive Owen) is presented at Queen Elizabeth’s English court, having returned from the New World. Queen Elizabeth is attracted to Raleigh, enthralled by his tales of exploration, and asks Bess Throckmorton (Abbie Cornish), her most favored lady-in-waiting, to observe him. Bess also finds Raleigh attractive and they begin a secret affair. With tensions strained between England and Spain, Elizabeth seeks guidance from her astrologer, Dr. John Dee...
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 23:29 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
The Inbetweeners 2 DVD
di Damon Beesley, Iain Morris,
2014 ,
Entertainment Film Distributors
Will, Neil and Jay’s girlfriends, whom they met in Malia, have since broken up with them. Simon is unhappy with his relationship with Lucy, who has become obsessive and abusive. While Jay is taking a gap year in Australia, Neil and Simon visit Will at the University of Bristol, Jay contacts them, claiming he is a DJ at a popular nightclub in Sydney and lives in a luxury mansion. The trio decide to go to Australia to visit Jay. Upon arrival, they discover that Jay works as a night club toilet attendant and lives in his uncle Bryan’s front garden. Whilst at the night club, Will is reunited with Katie, his first love from private school, who is backpacking. At her request, Will agrees to join her at Byron Bay. When the boys return to Bryan’s house, Simon attempts to break up with Lucy over Skype, but Bryan tricks her into thinking Simon is proposing and Lucy agrees to marry him...
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 22:02 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
di Tony Scott,
Touchstone Pictures
On Mardi Gras in New Orleans, the ferry Senator Alvin T. Stumpf is carrying hundreds of U.S. Navy sailors and their families across the Mississippi River from their base to the city. Suddenly, the ferry explodes and sinks, killing 543 passengers and crew members. Special Agent Douglas Carlin from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is sent to investigate and discovers evidence of a bomb planted by a domestic terrorist. Arriving at the scene, he meets with local investigators and FBI Special Agent Paul Pryzwarra, and informs them of his findings. He learns about and is invited to examine a partially burned body pulled from the river, identified as Claire Kuchever, which was reported to the authorities minutes before the explosion...
Potrebbero essere presenti dei graffi che non intaccano la qualità del disco.
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 22:07 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Notting Hill DVD ENGLISH
di Roger Michell,
Universal Pictures
William Thacker owns a travel book store in Notting Hill, London. Divorced, Will shares a flat with Spike, a flaky and sloppy Welshman. One day, famous Hollywood actress Anna Scott enters the shop and buys a book. Shortly after she leaves, Will bumps into her while rounding a street corner, spilling his juice on her. He takes Anna to his flat that is directly across the street so she can change into something clean. When leaving, she impulsively kisses him. Anna later invites him to visit her at the Ritz Hotel. Upon his arrival he is mistaken for a reporter and ushered into a press junket for her new film. When asked, he says he writes for Horse & Hound magazine. Anna asks to be William’s date at his sister’s birthday party later that evening. Though his friends and family are surprised, Anna gets on well with everyone and enjoys herself. Later, the two enter a private neighbourhood park, where Anna again kisses Will...
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 22:14 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury DVD
di Peter Chung,
Universal Pictures
Shortly after escaping from the dark planet, Riddick, Jack, and the Imam are picked up by Kublai Khan, a private mercenary vessel. Although Riddick attempts to conceal his identity from the mercenaries by impersonating his former captor William J. Johns over the ship’s radio, they quickly voice-print and identify him. The vessel’s captain, Junner, assembles a crew of mercs to retrieve Riddick, who manages to get the drop on them by activating his ship’s fire suppression system and using the foam as cover. After easily killing most of the mercs, Riddick surrenders when Jack is captured and held at gunpoint by Junner...
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 21:52 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Celebrity Juice: Too juicy for TV! DVD
di Leigh Francis,
Talkback Thames
Leigh Francis’ character Keith Lemon fronts his very own quiz show - Celebrity Juice! This hilarious DVD includes all the best bits from the first 3 series plus loads of exclusive unseen material that was simply too hot to show on TV!
Disco integro, custodia rotta in parte.
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 21:57 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Grano rosso sangue DVD
di Fritz Kiersch,
Una coppia di giovani viaggia per le strade del Nebraska ed investe un ragazzo, che si rivelerà poi essere già morto prima dell’impatto con l’auto. Con lo scopo di informare le autorità dell’accaduto, i due giungono nella piccola cittadina di Gatlin. Non trovando anima viva vanno alla ricerca di un telefono, ma non riescono a trovarne uno funzionante. In seguito si scoprirà che tutti gli adulti della cittadina sono stati uccisi, dagli stessi ragazzi del luogo, nel nome di un dio chiamato Colui che cammina tra il grano e l’obiettivo di questa setta sarà quello di sacrificare la coppia al loro dio...
In vendita da sabato 20 novembre 2021 alle 23:36 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
A volte ritornano DVD
di Tom Mcloughlin,
Jim è un insegnante di letteratura. Per motivi di lavoro è costretto a trasferirsi con la sua famiglia nella città dove ha trascorso la sua traumatica infanzia. Da bambino Jim e suo fratello maggiore Wayne vennero aggrediti in un tunnel ferroviario da un gruppo di teppisti. Wayne perse la vita accidentalmente per mano del capobranco, Jim si mise in fuga mentre 3 dei 4 teppisti vennero investiti da un treno in corsa. Sconvolti dal terribile lutto il piccolo Jim e i suoi genitori abbandonarono per sempre la città. Ora, ormai maturo è costretto a ritornare con la sua famiglia nello stesso luogo che segnò la sua vita per sempre e dove lo attende il suo passato: i tre malviventi che uccisero suo fratello Wayne sono tornati per la resa dei conti.
In vendita da sabato 20 novembre 2021 alle 23:08 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Brivido DVD
di Stephen King,
È il 19 giugno 1987, la congiunzione della Terra con la coda di una cometa crea scompiglio sul nostro pianeta.
Nel giorno dell’incrocio accadono fatti inspiegabilmente misteriosi: un bancomat di una banca che insulta un cliente (interpretato da King stesso); un ponte mobile che si apre senza essere comandato provocando un grande tamponamento; un distributore di bibite che lancia lattine contro un allenatore di baseball e dei ragazzini in un campo sportivo; uno schiacciasassi che uccide uno dei ragazzi...
In vendita da sabato 20 novembre 2021 alle 23:18 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
L’impero proibito DVD
di Rob Minkoff,
Terminal Video
Jason è un teenager americano appassionato di film di Hong Kong e di arti marziali. Un giorno in un banco dei pegni trova un’antica asta cinese che si rivela essere il bastone da combattimento del leggendario Monkey King, un guerriero cinese vissuto centinaia di anni prima. Con il bastone tra le mani Jason si ritrova trasportato nell’antica Cina dove, con l’aiuto di Lu Yan, un maestro ubriacone di kung fu, dell’enigmatico Silent Monk e della bella guerriera Golden Sparrow, cercherà di restituire l’oggetto al suo antico proprietario, imprigionato nella pietra con un maleficio del perfido Jade Warlord da oltre cinquecento anni.
In vendita da sabato 20 novembre 2021 alle 23:22 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
La ragazza nella nebbia DVD
di Donato Carrisi,
Medusa Film
In una nebbiosa notte di febbraio, lo psichiatra Flores viene convocato all’ospedale di Avechot dove presta servizio. Ad attenderlo c’è un uomo in stato confusionale per via di un incidente d’auto da cui è comunque uscito illeso. Una volta sul posto, il dottore riconosce nell’uomo l’ispettore Vogel, colui che si è occupato della misteriosa scomparsa di una ragazzina di nome Anna Lou avvenuta il 23 dicembre dell’anno appena trascorso, un drammatico caso di cronaca che ha scosso il paesino montano durante le feste di Natale. Dopo un veloce scambio di convenevoli, il medico chiede a Vogel il perché delle macchie di sangue sulla sua camicia, dal momento che è uscito illeso dall’incidente che lo ha visto coinvolto. L’ispettore inizia così a raccontare delle indagini sulla scomparsa di Anna Lou...
In vendita da sabato 20 novembre 2021 alle 23:26 in provincia di Catania -
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