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10,00 €

di Ang Lee2003Universal Pictures

David Banner is a genetics researcher for the government trying to improve human DNA. His supervisor, Colonel Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross, forbids human experimentation, so David experiments on himself. His wife, Edith, soon gives birth to their son, Bruce Banner. David realizes Bruce inherited his mutant DNA and attempts to find a cure. After discovering his experiments, Ross shuts down David’s research; David rigs Desert Base’s gamma reactor to explode as revenge. Believing he is dangerous, David tries to kill Bruce but accidentally murders Edith when she gets between them; the trauma makes Bruce suppress his early childhood memories. Ross arrests and sends David to a mental hospital, putting the 4-year-old Bruce into foster care. Mrs. Krenzler adopts him, and Bruce assumes the surname, growing up believing his birth parents are dead...

In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 22:29 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...


10,00 €

di Chris Carter199320th Century Fox

The X-Files is an American science fiction drama television series created by Chris Carter. The series revolves around Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. The original television series aired from September 1993 to May 2002, on Fox. The program spanned nine seasons, with 202 episodes. A short tenth season consisting of six episodes ran from January to February 2016. Following the ratings success of this revival, The X-Files returned for an eleventh season of ten episodes, which ran from January to March 2018. In addition to the television series, two feature films have been released: The 1998 film The X-Files, which took place as part of the TV series continuity, and the stand-alone film The X-Files: I Want to Believe, released in 2008, six years after the original television run had ended.

In vendita da sabato 19 novembre 2022 alle 22:22 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

The Ashes: The greatest series 1-2-3-4-5-Bonus Features DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH

10,00 €

  The Ashes: The greatest series 1-2-3-4-5-Bonus Features DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH
di International Cricket Council2005Dd Home Entertainment

The Ashes: The greatest series 1-2-3-4-5-Bonus Features DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH

In vendita da sabato 19 novembre 2022 alle 22:33 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Mrs. Brown’s Boys Season 1 COMPLETE DVD ENGLISH

10,00 €

  Mrs. Brown’s Boys Season 1 COMPLETE DVD ENGLISH
di Brendan O’carroll2011Bbc

Mrs. Brown’s Boys is an Irish television sitcom created by and starring Brendan O’Carroll and produced in the United Kingdom by BBC Scotland in partnership with BOC-PIX and Irish broadcaster RTÉ.
The series stars O’Carroll as Agnes Brown, with several close friends and family members making up the rest of the cast. The show adopts an informal production style often breaking the fourth wall, where production mistakes and tomfoolery, mostly instigated by O’Carroll, are edited into each episode. Despite being lambasted by critics and unfavorable comparisons to Father Ted, the show became a ratings success in both Ireland, where it is set, and the United Kingdom, where it is recorded. It also received high ratings in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The show has won numerous industry awards.

Potrebbero essere presenti dei graffi che non intaccano la qualità del disco.

In vendita da sabato 19 novembre 2022 alle 22:39 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...


10,00 €

  24: Live Another Day DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH
di Joel Surnow, Robert Cochran201420th Century Fox

Live Another Day takes place four years after the events of season 8. James Heller, now president, is negotiating a treaty in London, where a hacker collective preaching freedom of information has enlisted the help of Chloe O’Brian. Jack Bauer, who has been tracking the activities of Chloe’s group while living in exile, resurfaces when he hears of an imminent attempt on Heller’s life.
There are two main acts in Live Another Day:

-Margot Al-Harazi gains control of six US drones and uses them to attack London.
-Cheng Zhi attacks his former country China with hijacked American weapons bringing the two countries to the brink of war.

In vendita da sabato 19 novembre 2022 alle 22:43 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

The Apprentice: The Best of Series 1-4 DVD ENGLISH

10,00 €

  The Apprentice: The Best of Series 1-4 DVD ENGLISH
di Mark Burnett2009Bbc

All the highlights from the first four series of the BBC reality show, where a group of young businessmen and women compete for a chance to become Sir Alan Sugar’s apprentice, with a £100,000 salary. Each week, working in teams, the candidates must complete a range of tasks designed to test their abilities in salesmanship, negotiation, requisitioning, leadership, teamwork and organisation. At the end of each task, the teams report to Sir Alan in the boardroom to be judged, resulting in a member of the losing team being ’fired ’from the competition.

In vendita da sabato 19 novembre 2022 alle 22:50 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...


10,00 €

di Michael Hirst201320th Century Fox

The series is inspired by the tales of the Norsemen of early medieval Scandinavia. It broadly follows the exploits of the legendary Viking chieftain Ragnar Lothbrok and his crew, family and descendants, as notably laid down in the 13th-century sagas Ragnars saga Loðbrókar and Ragnarssona þáttr, as well as in Saxo Grammaticus’ 12th-century work Gesta Danorum. Norse legendary sagas were partially fictional tales based in the Norse oral tradition, written down about 200 to 400 years after the events they describe. Further inspiration is taken from historical sources of the period, such as records of the Viking raid on Lindisfarne depicted in the second episode, or Ahmad ibn Fadlan’s 10th-century account of the Varangians. The series begins at the start of the Viking Age, marked by the Lindisfarne raid in 793.

In vendita da sabato 19 novembre 2022 alle 22:55 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...


10,00 €

di Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg2012Warner Bros

The series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen, who spent five years shipwrecked on the mysterious island Lian Yu, before returning home to Starling City.

In season one, Oliver returns to Starling City and is reunited with his family and friends, including Tommy Merlyn and Laurel Lance. By night, he acts as a vigilante, known as The Hood,[2] hunting down those listed in his father’s notebook, with assistance from John Diggle and Felicity Smoak. A conspiracy known as The Undertaking, led by Malcolm Merlyn, threatens the city. The season also features flashbacks to Oliver’s first year on the island, and his struggle to survive, alongside both new allies, including Slade Wilson, and foes.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 10:15 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Nighty Night DVD ENGLISH

10,00 €

  Nighty Night DVD ENGLISH
di Julia Davis2004 Bbc

Immediately after her husband begins cancer treatment, Jill goes to a dating agency to find another man, seemingly content in the knowledge that her husband will shortly die. Jill uses her status as widow (despite Terry being still alive) to gain sympathy from her neighbors and coworkers. Don is a family doctor and his wife Cathy has multiple sclerosis and often uses a wheelchair. Using the pretence of caring for Cathy, Jill gradually moves in with them, flirting with their son David and trying to break up their marriage and sleep with Don, all the while playing the sympathy card with Cathy...

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 11:02 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Only Fools and Horses Season 3 DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH

10,00 €

  Only Fools and Horses Season 3 DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH
di John Sullivan1981 Bbc

Derek Del Boy Trotter (played by David Jason), a South London fly trader, lives in a council flat in a high-rise tower block, Nelson Mandela House, in Peckham, South London, with his much younger brother, Rodney (Nicholas Lyndhurst), and their elderly grandad (Lennard Pearce). Their mother, Joan, died when Rodney was young, and their father Reg absconded soon afterwards, so Del became Rodney’s surrogate father and the family patriarch. Despite the difference in age, personality and outlook, the brothers share a constant bond throughout...

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 11:05 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Sons of Anarchy Season 5 COMPLETE DVD ENGLISH

10,00 €

  Sons of Anarchy Season 5 COMPLETE DVD ENGLISH
di Kurt Sutter200820th Century Fox

In retaliation for the death of Veronica Pope (Laroy’s girlfriend, who was also the daughter of powerful Oakland kingpin Damon Pope), the Niners attack SAMCRO and ambush a cargo shipment. With the death of Piney Winston and the growing conflict between the Niners and SAMCRO, along with several home invasions targeting people linked to the club, Jax is forced to meet with Damon Pope, to face a new threat unlike anything SAMCRO has ever faced.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 11:17 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Call the Midwife Season 3 COMPLETE DVD ENGLISH

10,00 €

  Call the Midwife Season 3 COMPLETE DVD ENGLISH
di Heidi Thomas2012 Bbc

The plot follows newly qualified midwife Jenny Lee, as well as the work of midwives and the nuns of Nonnatus House, a nursing convent and part of an Anglican religious order, coping with the medical problems in the deprived Poplar district of London’s desperately poor East End in the 1950s. The Sisters and midwives carry out many nursing duties across the community. However, with between 80 and 100 babies being born each month in Poplar alone, the primary work is to help bring safe childbirth to women in the area and to look after their countless newborns...

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 11:21 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

S. Darko DVD

10,00 €

  S. Darko DVD
di Chris Fisher2009 Moviemax

Sono passati sette anni dalla misteriosa morte di suo fratello Donnie: ora la diciassettenne Samantha Darko decide di lasciarsi tutto il dolore alle spalle e parte con la sua migliore amica, la ribelle Corey, verso Los Angeles, per lavorare come ballerina.

I loro sogni vanno in fumo quando la loro auto le lascia a piedi a Conejo Springs, Utah una minuscola e sperduta località in mezzo al deserto. Quella stessa notte, il 29 giugno 1995, una strana presenza femminile dice a un altro strano personaggio maschile, in cima a un mulino a vento la frase:

«4 giorni, 17 ore, 26 minuti, 31 secondi... ecco quando il mondo finirà.»

Subito dopo un meteorite precipita nella cittadina, distruggendo il mulino a vento dietro al motel dove alloggiano Samantha e Corey. Samantha intanto viene risvegliata da un poliziotto su una panchina.

Da quel momento in poi, Samantha sarà preda di bizzarri sogni e visioni riguardanti l’imminente fine del mondo. Una violenta lite tra lei e Corey, inoltre, ingranerà un meccanismo che metterà a rischio il destino dell’intero universo.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 16:27 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Romance & Cigarettes DVD

10,00 €

  Romance & Cigarettes DVD
di John Turturro2005Univideo

Nick, un operaio di New York, è sposato da molti anni con Kitty, madre delle sue tre figlie. Nick la ama ancora ma ha anche una relazione molto appassionata con Tula, una ragazza giovane e affascinante di cui non riesce a fare a meno. Un giorno però Kitty scopre l’infedeltà del marito al quale, nello stesso periodo, Tula chiede di fare una scelta tra lei e la moglie. Nick si trova a dover scegliere tra il tradimento e la redenzione, ma capisce anche di dover riuscire a riconquistare Kitty prima che sia troppo tardi se non vuole che le sue ultime possibilità vadano in fumo.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 16:33 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

The Mexican - Amore senza la sicura DVD

10,00 €

  The Mexican - Amore senza la sicura DVD
di Gore Verbinski2000Dreamworks Pictures

Jerry Welbach viene incaricato dal suo capo, un potente boss della malavita, di recuperare una vecchia e preziosa pistola chiamata The Mexican. Nonostante il parere contrario della fidanzata Samantha, Jerry parte per il Messico e si mette sulle tracce dell’arma. Jerry trova la pistola, ma quando le cose sembrano mettersi per il meglio scopre che Samantha è stata rapita, e proprio da uno degli scagnozzi del suo capo.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 16:39 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

Underworld DVD

10,00 €

  Underworld DVD
di Len Wiseman2003Columbia Tristar Pictures

Da quasi un millennio infuria una guerra senza quartiere tra i Vampiri, distinti e aristocratici signori della notte, e i Lycan (Licantropi), forti e feroci abitanti del sottosuolo. Il conflitto, protrattosi fino ai primi anni del III millennio, si avvale di tutte le tecnologie disponibili, tra cui quelle informatiche, militari e biotecnologiche; gli esseri umani sono però tenuti all’oscuro di tutto ciò. Tale battaglia ha avuto inizio quando il Lycan Lucian, al comando di un esercito di licantropi, attaccò i vampiri muovendo guerra alle loro casate; la vera lotta ebbe termine quando il vampiro Kraven uccise Lucian e distrusse il castello ove dimorava il grosso delle sue forze. Da allora, i Vampiri sono in numero dominante e si occupano dello sterminio dei Lycan rimasti.
In una fermata della metropolitana avviene una sparatoria tra alcuni membri delle fazioni in seguito alla quale Selene, una bella e affascinante vampira guerriera, scopre che un grande numero di Lycan è rintanato nei sotterranei della metro. Si precipita alla residenza centrale della casata dei Vampiri, ma non convince Kraven, divenuto reggente. C’è dell’altro: teme che il vero obiettivo dell’azione in metropolitana non fossero i Vampiri lì presenti bensì un uomo, un comune medico di nome Michael Corvin. Si reca immediatamente a casa di Michael ed effettivamente anticipa di pochi minuti l’arrivo dei Lycan. Senza saperlo, sottrae il medico dalle grinfie di Lucian, redivivo signore dei Lycan, il quale tuttavia riesce a morderlo e a conservarne una modesta quantità di sangue in una provetta. Michael di fatto è diventato un Lycan e alla prossima Luna piena avverrà la metamorfosi. Nonostante questo tra l’uomo e la vampira nasce una particolare attrazione...

Potrebbero essere presenti dei graffi che non intaccano la qualità del disco.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 16:44 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...

L’inseguimento DVD

10,00 €

  L’inseguimento DVD
di Tony Shyu1999Terminal Video

Per trovare il vero amore sulla strada per il Messico, un gruppo di amici deve affrontare un punk impazzito, un marito redivivo e una tequila soprannaturale.

In vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 16:52 in provincia di Catania  -   LIBRERIALIBRARIA vende anche...


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