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10,00 €
Monty Python Live (Mostly) at The O2 London DVD
di Monty Python,
Universal Pictures
Monty Python Live (Mostly) (also billed as Monty Python Live (Mostly): One Down, Five to Go) was a variety show by the Monty Python comedy group at The O2 in London in July 2014. Planned as a single performance for 1 July, it was expanded to 10 shows due to the high demand for tickets. It was their first live performance together in 16 years, the second without member Graham Chapman (who died in 1989) and the last with Terry Jones (died 2020). The final date was broadcast in cinemas around the world on 20 July. Prior to this Eric Idle stated, “It is a world event and that’s really quite exciting. It means we’re actually going to say goodbye publicly on one show. Nobody ever has the chance to do that. The Beatles didn’t get a last good night.”
In vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 23:57 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Monty Python and the Holy Grail Extraordinarily Deluxe Edition DVD
di Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones,
Monty Python Pictures
In AD 932, King Arthur and his squire, Patsy, travel Britain searching for men to join the Knights of the Round Table. Along the way, Arthur debates whether swallows could carry coconuts, passes through a town infected with the Black Death, recounts receiving Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake to two anarcho-syndicalist peasants, defeats the Black Knight and observes an impromptu witch trial. He recruits Sir Bedevere the Wise, Sir Lancelot the Brave, Sir Galahad the Pure, and Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot, along with their squires and Robin’s minstrels. Arthur leads the knights to Camelot, but, after a musical number, changes his mind, deeming it a silly place. As they turn away, God appears and orders Arthur to find the Holy Grail...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 13:33 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
The Impossible DVD ENGLISH
di J. A. Bayona,
2012 ,
Telecinco Cinema
In 2004, Doctor Maria Bennett, her husband Henry, and their three sons Lucas, Thomas, and Simon go on a Christmas holiday to Khao Lak, Thailand. Arriving on Christmas Eve, they settle in and begin to enjoy the brand new Orchid Beach Resort. Two days later on December 26, the massive Indian Ocean tsunami inundates the area. Maria and Lucas eventually emerge from the swirling water and find one another, with Maria having sustained serious injuries to her leg and chest. They help a toddler, Daniel, from the debris and are soon found by locals who dress and transfer them to a hospital in the city of Takua Pa. Daniel is separated from them during the journey. At the hospital, Maria encourages Lucas to help others find their family members while she goes into surgery for her chest injuries...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 13:39 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Mamma Mia! The Movie DVD ENGLISH
di Phyllida Lloyd,
2008 ,
Universal Pictures
On the fictional Greek island of Kalokairi, bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan reveals to her bridesmaids that she has secretly invited three men to her wedding without telling her mother, Donna. They are the men with whom her mother’s diary reveals she had sex during the 25-day period that was coincident with Sophie’s conception: Irish-American architect Sam Carmichael, Swedish travel writer Bill Anderson, and British banker Harry Bright. She hopes that her father will give her away and believes that after she spends time with them, she will know which is her father. That day, the three men arrive on Kalokairi. She does not reveal that she believes that one of them is her father, but does explain that it was she who sent the wedding invitations, not Donna. She hides them in Donna’s goat house, and they hesitantly agree not to reveal themselves to get. As Donna is working on the goat house, spies on them and is dumbfounded to find herself facing her former lovers, demanding that they leave. She confides in Tanya and Rosie that she truly does not know which of the three fathered Sophie. Sophie finds the men aboard Bill’s sailboat, and they sail around Kalokairi, telling stories of Donna’s carefree youth. Sophie attempts to tell her fiancé, Sky, about her ploy but loses her nerve...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 13:42 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Of Gods and Men DVD
di Xavier Beauvois,
2010 ,
The film opens with a quotation from the Book of Psalms: I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes. (Psalm 82:6–7) The monks’ peaceful routine of prayer, medical assistance, and community interaction is soon interrupted by the threat of an Islamic fundamentalist group. When their elected leader, Christian (Lambert Wilson), declines the protection of the corrupt civil authority, the monks divide amongst themselves on the question of whether to stay or flee Algeria. Before a decision is reached, a group of fundamentalists, led by Ali Fayattia, enters the monks’ compound in force on Christmas Eve and demands their doctor and his medical supplies. Christian refuses their requests and cites the Quran as proof of the monks’ goodwill. With a mixture of surprise and respect, Fayattia leaves the compound and grants it his protection until his capture, torture and death at the hands of government forces. Despite the growing danger, the monks come to consensus on the moral importance of maintaining their committed lives with, and ministry to, the local population, even when faced with violence and death. Ultimately, the terrorists seize most of the monks during a nighttime raid and hold them hostage. As the captive monks trudge a snowy path towards a grim fate, the film concludes with the spiritual testament of Prior Christian de Chergé, bravely written in the face of death.
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 13:45 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
The Wolverine DVD
di James Mangold,
2013 ,
20th Century Fox
In August 1945, Logan is held in a Japanese POW camp near Nagasaki. During the city’s atomic bombing, Logan saves an officer named Ichirō Yashida by shielding him from the blast. In the present day, Logan lives as a hermit in the Yukon, tormented by hallucinations of Jean Grey, whom he was forced to kill to save the world.[c] He is located by Yukio, a mutant with the ability to foresee people’s deaths, on behalf of Ichirō, now the CEO of a technology zaibatsu. Ichirō, who is dying of cancer, wants Logan to accompany Yukio to Japan so that he may repay his life debt. In Tokyo, Logan meets Ichirō’s son Shingen and granddaughter Mariko. There, Ichirō offers to transfer Logan’s healing abilities into his own body, thus saving Ichirō’s life and alleviating Logan of his near-immortality, which Logan views as a curse. Believing he is acting on his friend’s best interests however, Logan refuses and prepares to leave the following day. That night, Ichirō’s physician Dr. Green introduces something into Logan’s body, but Logan dismisses it as a dream...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 13:49 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Fast & Furious 7 DVD ENGLISH
di James Wan,
Universal Pictures
Dopo aver ferito gravemente Owen Shaw ed eliminato la sua squadra, Dominic Toretto, Brian O’Conner, e il resto dei membri della famiglia possono finalmente tornare negli Stati Uniti e vivere una vita normale. Dom tenta di aiutare Letty nel riacquistare la sua memoria, mentre Brian, ormai diventato padre, comincia a prendere dimestichezza con la sua vita da genitore. Intanto a Londra, il fratello maggiore di Owen, Deckard Shaw, irrompe violentemente e fa una sanguinosa strage di poliziotti all’interno dell’ospedale in cui è stato portato il fratello in coma, giurandogli che lo vendicherà, eliminando Toretto e tutta la sua famiglia. A questo punto Deckard giunge nell’ufficio DSS di Luke Hobbs per estrarre dal suo computer tutti i dati riguardanti la squadra di Dom. Colto in flagrante da Hobbs, Deckard prende parte a un combattimento contro di lui, riuscendo a fuggire, facendo detonare una bomba, che fa saltare dall’edificio Hobbs e la sua collega Elena Neves. Hobbs, ferito gravemente, viene portato all’ospedale. Nel frattempo, Dom parlando con la sorella Mia viene a conoscenza che è nuovamente incinta, ma lei ha paura che Brian non sia contento della loro nuova vita. Improvvisamente, una bomba trovata all’interno di un pacchetto spedito da Tokyo esplode, causando la distruzione dell’abitazione dei Toretto, pochi secondi dopo che Han, uno dei membri della squadra di Dom, viene ucciso proprio da Deckard, a Tokyo. Dom va a fare visita a Hobbs all’ospedale e scopre che Deckard non è altro che uno spietato assassino delle forze speciali, in cerca di vendetta per suo fratello. Subito dopo Dom decide di partire per Tokyo per recuperare il corpo di Han. Lì incontra Sean Boswell, un amico di Han, che gli consegna i suoi oggetti personali trovati all’interno della sua auto dopo l’incidente: una foto di Gisele e la collana con la croce che Dom aveva dato a Letty...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 13:57 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
di Michael Haneke,
2012 ,
After residents of a Paris apartment building complain of a smell coming from one of the apartments, a brigade of firemen and police break down its door to find the corpse of Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) lying on a bed, adorned with cut flowers. Several months before the opening scene, Anne and her husband Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant), both retired piano teachers in their eighties, attend a performance by one of Anne’s former pupils, Alexandre. They return home to find that someone has unsuccessfully tried to break into their apartment. The next morning, while they are eating breakfast, Anne silently has a stroke. She sits in a catatonic state, not responding to Georges. She comes around as Georges is about to get help, but has no idea the stroke occurred. Georges is unable to persuade her to get medical attention until Anne finds she is unable to pour herself a drink...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:05 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
di Fred Schepisi,
1985 ,
Studio Canal
In 1943, in German-occupied France during World War II, 18-year-old British courier Susan Traherne (Meryl Streep) waits in the woods for a message to be dropped by parachute from a British plane. After experiencing airplane trouble, a fellow British operative named Lazar (Sam Neill) parachutes down, and Susan explains how things are run at her post. When they are nearly caught by German troops, Susan’s tough exterior cracks, and she cries on Lazar’s shoulder. Soon after, the couple returns to Susan’s home and make love. Lazar leaves the next morning, without saying goodbye to Susan. However, he leaves behind his cuff-links for her as a gift which Susan then carries around with her for the remainder of the film. Two years later after the war ends in 1945, while travelling through Europe with Susan, a man named Tony Radley drops dead of a heart attack in a hotel lobby in Brussels. Raymond Brock (Charles Dance) from the British Embassy arrives to oversee Radley’s funeral, and consoles his widow, Susan. Sometime later at the embassy, Susan confesses to Raymond that she and Radley were not really married; they only posed as husband and wife during the war, and asks him to tell Radley’s real wife that the man died while traveling alone...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:09 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Widescreen edition DVD
di Chris Columbus,
Warner Bros
Spending the summer with the Dursleys, Harry Potter meets Dobby, a house-elf who warns him that it is dangerous to return to Hogwarts. Dobby sabotages an important dinner for the Dursleys, who lock up Harry to prevent his return to Hogwarts. Harry’s friend Ron Weasley and his brothers Fred and George rescue him in their father’s flying Ford Anglia. In Diagon Alley, Harry and the Weasley family are joined by Hermione Granger at a book-signing by Gilderoy Lockhart, Hogwarts’ new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Confronted by Draco Malfoy, Harry notices Malfoy’s father, Lucius, slip a book into Ginny Weasley’s cauldron. When Harry and Ron are blocked from entering Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at London King’s Cross railway station, they take the flying car to Hogwarts; after crashing into the Whomping Willow breaking Ron’s wand, they receive detention...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:13 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 DVD
di Francis Lawrence,
After being attacked by a hijacked (brainwashed) Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen recovers from her injuries in District 13. President Coin refuses to let Katniss go to the Capitol until they take District 2, so instead, she sends her to join the assault on the Capitol’s armory in District 2, the last district controlled by the Capitol. Although she is able to rally the rebels and convince District 2 to join the rebellion, she is shot by a civilian, but merely injured due to her bulletproof Mockingjay costume. Johanna covers for Katniss while she sneaks onboard a helicopter on its way to the Capitol. Coin becomes aware of Katniss’ defiance but plays along. Katniss is recruited into the Star Squad, which includes Gale and a recently married Finnick. The whole squad is given nightlock pills to take in case they are captured. Peeta, who is still not fully recovered, eventually joins them in the field to appear in the propaganda videos that the team is responsible for shooting in the wreckage of the city. Led by Boggs, the team makes their way to the Capitol, evading booby-trapped pods placed along the way with Boggs’ holographic map called the Holo. In setting up for a shot in a courtyard, Boggs is fatally wounded by a pod and bestows the Holo on Katniss. In his final breath, he tells her the password to self-destruct the Holo and insists that she keep going, warning her of Coin. The squad then accidentally triggers another pod, releasing a flood of lethal black tar. As they flee, Peeta momentarily succumbs to his conditioning in the high-pressure situation and attacks Katniss, killing Mitchell in the process...
Disco integro, custodia rotta in parte.
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:29 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
The Very Best of Dad’s Army DVD
di Jimmy Perry,
1968 ,
Five episodes from the classic sitcom. In ’The Deadly Attachment’ the platoon are given the task of guarding a captured U-boat crew. ’Keep Young and Beautiful’ finds Captain Mainwaring’s men engaged in some rejuvenating activity. ’Never Too Old’ sees Jones indulge in some bizarre behaviour after falling in love. ’Asleep in the Deep’ has the team get into trouble when a bomb lands on the local plumbing station. And ’Sons of the Sea’ finds Captain Mainwaring excited about a new idea to have the men patrol the river.
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:25 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Sex and the City 2 DVD ENGLISH
di Michael Patrick King,
2010 ,
New Line Cinema
Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte, and Miranda attend the wedding of their friends Stanford and Anthony. Three of the four women are now married themselves but Samantha, aged 52, is desperately trying to keep her libido alive as she enters menopause. The wedding is officiated by Liza Minnelli who also performs a musical number, and Carrie serves as Stanford’s best man. Back home, Miranda quits her job after her firm’s misogynistic new managing partner disrespects her once too often. Charlotte’s two children are a handful, mostly her two-year-old daughter Rose’s extreme and constant crying, and she is worried that her husband Harry is attracted to their buxom Irish nanny, Erin. Carrie’s marriage to Mr. Big has settled down, although they differ on how to spend their spare time. Carrie wants to go out often to dinner, parties and big events, whereas Big prefers to stay in and relax on the couch. For their anniversary, Carrie gives Big a vintage Rolex watch engraved with the message Me and You, Just Us Two while he, much to her dismay, shows her a new TV in their bedroom as his gift, which Big says they can use to watch old films together, something they did at the hotel at Anthony and Stanford’s wedding and seemed to enjoy. She is disappointed with Big’s gift, as she had hoped for something more personal to show he realizes they must maintain the spark in the marriage. However, Big starts to watch TV more often, making Carrie feel unappreciated. In response she stays at her old apartment for two days to write an article, after which Big acts the way he did while they were first dating and they both enjoy a romantic night out. He enjoys it so much he suggests to Carrie that they take two days off every week, he can go somewhere for those two days to relax, watch TV and lie on the couch, and the rest of the time he will have more energy to do what she wants to do. Carrie does not dismiss this, but is hurt by the suggestion and worries it means they will drift apart...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:34 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
di Roland Emmerich,
Columbia Tristar Pictures
An iguana nest is exposed to the fallout of a military nuclear test in French Polynesia. In the South Pacific Ocean, a Japanese fishing vessel is suddenly attacked by a giant creature, with only one fisherman surviving. Dr. Niko Nick Tatopoulos, an NRC scientist, is in the Chernobyl exclusion zone researching the effects of radiation on wildlife, but is interrupted by an official from the U.S. State Department. In Tahiti, a mysterious Frenchman questions the traumatized survivor over what he witnessed, who repeatedly replies Gojira. Nick is sent to Panama and Jamaica to study a trail of wreckage leading to the recovered Japanese fishing ship with massive claw marks on it. Nick identifies skin samples he discovered in the shipwreck as belonging to an unknown species. He dismisses the military’s theory of the creature being a living dinosaur, instead deducing it is a mutant created by nuclear testing. The creature travels to New York City, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. The city is evacuated before the U.S. military, on Nick’s advice, lure the creature into revealing itself with a large pile of fish. Their attempt to kill it fails, however, and only causes further damage before it escapes. Nick collects a blood sample, and by performing a pregnancy test, discovers the creature reproduces asexually and so is collecting food for its offspring. Nick also meets up with his ex-girlfriend, Audrey Timmonds, a young aspiring news reporter. While she visits him, she uncovers a classified tape in his provisional military tent concerning the monster’s origins and turns it over to the media. She hopes to have her report put on TV as to launch her career, but her boss, Charles Caiman, uses the tape in his report, declaring it his own discovery, and dubs the creature Godzilla....
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:46 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Miranda Hart: My, What I Call, Live Show DVD
di Miranda Hart,
2 Entertain Video
Join Miranda Hart, award winning Queen of Comedy, at her sell-out My, What I Call, Live Show tour - the first ever nationwide stand-up tour from the star since her BBC hit Miranda. Recorded live at London’s O2 Arena, see one of the nation’s best-loved comedians performing her laugh out loud genius - expect galloping, attempts at song and dance, and simply – such fun! “Miranda Hart is one of the funniest actresses on television” --The Times
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 14:55 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
Adventures of a Teenage Dragon Slayer DVD
di Andrew Lauer,
2010 ,
Screen Media Films
Branded as a nerd and harassed by the school bully, twelve-year-old Arthur is rescued by a magical alchemist troll who holds the secret to defeat an evil dragon, and is soon able to return the favor. Arthur’s loving mom Laura, struggling to keep her devious former husband from gaining custody of Arthur, dismisses her son’s fantasies until she realizes the real and immediate danger. She joins Arthur, the troll, the Knights of the Square Table (Arthur’s pals Natalie and Tim) and a dashing fantasy card-game creator named Shane Barker. Together they hope to conquer an unleashed dragon and the wicked vice-principal who threaten civilization.
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 15:04 in provincia di Catania -

10,00 €
X-Men Origins: Wolverine DVD ENGLISH
di Gavin Hood,
2009 ,
20th Century Fox
In 1845, James Howlett, a boy living in the Northwest Territories, witnesses his father being killed by groundskeeper Thomas Logan. Anxiety activates the boy’s mutation: Bone claws protrude from his knuckles, and he impales Thomas, who reveals that he is James’ biological father before dying. James flees along with Thomas’ other son, Victor Creed, who is James’ half-brother and has a sharp claw-nails and healing factor mutation like James. They spend the next century as soldiers, fighting in the American Civil War, both World Wars and the Vietnam War in 1973. In Vietnam, the increasingly violent Victor attempts to rape a Vietnamese woman and kills a senior officer who tries to stop him. James returns to Victor, and ignorant of his brother’s intent, rushes to defend him. The pair are sentenced to execution by firing squad, which they survive. Major William Stryker offers them membership in Team X, a group of mutants including marksman Agent Zero, katana-wielding mercenary Wade Wilson, teleporter John Wraith, super-strong and invulnerable Fred Dukes, and technopath Chris Bradley. They join the team for a few missions, with James using the alias Logan, but Victor and the group’s lack of self-control and empathy causes Logan to leave...
In vendita da venerdì 18 novembre 2022 alle 15:08 in provincia di Catania -
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