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The Revelations  di The Revelations
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Utente verificato BetteBeat
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Bette Beat dal 1990
Library Music (sonorizzazioni) e colonne sonore
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The Revelations

29,00 €



artista: The Revelations

Disco in vinile 33 giri
Condizioni: NUOVO
genere: Library
ID titolo:23372

"The Revelations" è in vendita da mercoledì 21 febbraio 2024 alle 10:03 in provincia di Cuneo

Note :
The Revelations - The Revelations
LP+CD 12 Vinile Library Music
Nuovo Sigillato

Great obscure Italian library music album featuring a young pre-Goblin Fabio Pignatelli! – LP+CD edition.

The story of “The Revelations” is part of a fruitful and unique period of Italian Discography. A moment of great creativity and innovation, when the boundaries between music, cinema and television were uncertain. A story of great orchestras, film directors and inspired composers which were endlessly producing in a country getting back on its feet after the Second world war.

“The Revelations”, released in 1970, is a gem that emerged from this period. A record amongst many that although relatively unknown, remains highly sought after by record collectors world over.

Adventurous is probably the most appropriate word to describe those fantastic years that we fondly remember for famous film scores and the birth of the Italian pop scene.

Help!, the Rome based record label which released “The Revelations”, was the first music business run by the young producer Gianni dell’Orso.

Conceived by Dell’Orso, appearing here under his alter ego Proluton, and his brother Giacomo, “The Revelations” LP was produced as Library Music for television and manufactured in a very limited number of copies. It was a peculiar recording within the label context, with musical intuitions that sparked great interest in this release which in turn has made it both valuable and highly collectable. The LP blends diverse inspirations and heterogeneous moods, since its aim was to offer many options to television producers.

Giacomo Dell’Orso, musician, composer and orchestra director, signed most of the tracks under the moniker Oscar Lindok. His music takes the listener into a journey through cinematic atmospheres and funk influences with a beat background – a world of moving melodies and strong grooves. Giacomo’s life is an example of dedicating one’s existence to music for we can’t avoid the underlying connection of his private life, music and cinema without also remembering his marriage to Edda Sabbatini – better known as Edda Dell’Orso, Ennio Morricone’s favourite singer.

The musicians featured on this record are great session men with glorious careers: Silvano Chimenti, Giovanni Tommaso, Enzo Restuccia and Mario Scotti – all famous for their work on film scores and as featured musicians who enjoyed great Italian Pop success as well.

“The Revelations” arrives back on record store shelves in this remastered version – a must-have for all Library Music lovers and vinyl collectors.

Spedizione: imballaggio professionale con scatola robusta in cartone ondulato, specifica per la protezione dei dischi in vinile.

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