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Birds of a Feather Season 1-2-3 DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH  di Laurence Marks, Maurice Gran
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vende questo disco in provincia di Catania

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Contattare: Bella Michele
Via badalà 17, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia  (Catania)
Telefono: 3467042174

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Birds of a Feather Season 1-2-3 DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH

25,00 €



artista: Laurence Marks, Maurice Gran

genere: FILM
ID titolo:21158

"Birds of a Feather Season 1-2-3 DVD COMPLETE ENGLISH" è in vendita da domenica 20 novembre 2022 alle 11:25 in provincia di Catania

Note :
For Cockney sisters Sharon Theodopolopodous and Tracey Stubbs, life is never the same again when their husbands are convicted of armed robbery and sent to prison. Sharon, a common, fun-loving, large and loud-mouthed character from a council flat in Edmonton, moves into her sister’s luxury home in Chigwell, so that she can support Tracey, after her husband’s imprisonment.
Sharon always felt inadequate next to her slimmer, elder sister, and felt she had the tougher childhood. Her marriage to Chris, a waster of Greek Cypriot descent, was miserable and childless, supposedly due to Sharon’s infertility. Chris’ family condemn her for this, but Sharon discovers that Chris is actually the infertile one. Sharon happily cheats on Chris and gives him grief when visiting. Despite this, she becomes bitterly envious whenever he has another woman and only ever makes half-hearted attempts to divorce him until the first ITV series in 2014, in which Chris finally demands a divorce from Sharon so he can marry again. Tracey, however, loves her husband, Darryl. His legitimate business was building conservatories, but he made most of his money by robbing banks. Unlike Sharon, who is more realistic about their husbands, Tracey deludes herself into believing her husband is innocent, especially in the 1994 Christmas episode The Chigwell Connection and when Darryl is finally released in series seven, she trusts him when he asks for a cheque on the company account, which leads to Darryl defrauding her out of her business assets. He and Tracey have a son, Garth, who becomes a chef after going to boarding school and eventually marries Kimberley. This marriage does not last; in series 10, Garth has moved to Australia and started a relationship with a girl named Marcie. Tracey is the more honest and law-abiding of the two sisters, whereas Sharon is more willing to indulge in unscrupulous and often criminal activities, such as illegally subletting her council flat when she was living with Tracey, taking drugs, selling stolen merchandise, fiddling her VAT and claiming unemployment benefit while she was actually employed.

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D.LGS 205/2006 - D.LGS 21/2014
Aggiornato al 13 giugno 2014

Articolo 3

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a) consumatore o utente: la persona fisica che agisce per scopi estranei all'attività imprenditoriale, commerciale, artigianale o professionale eventualmente svolta ;
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Articolo 63
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