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Johnny English Reborn DVD  di Oliver Parker
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vende questo disco in provincia di Catania

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Informazioni sul venditore:
Contattare: Bella Michele
Via badalà 17, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia  (Catania)
Telefono: 3467042174

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Johnny English Reborn DVD

10,00 €



artista: Oliver Parker

genere: FILM
ID titolo:21069

"Johnny English Reborn DVD" è in vendita da giovedì 17 novembre 2022 alle 22:25 in provincia di Catania

Note :
Eight years after the events of the first film, Johnny English has been training at a monastery in Tibet to recover from the shame of a failed mission to protect the newly elected president in Mozambique, which cost him his knighthood. Called back into service by MI7 under new director Pamela Pegasus Thornton, English must investigate an assassination plot of the Chinese Premier during talks with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He meets fellow agent Simon Ambrose, MI7’s quartermaster Patch Quartermain, and junior agent Colin Tucker, assigned to be his assistant.
In Hong Kong, English finds former CIA agent Titus Fisher, a member of Vortex, the group responsible for sabotaging English’s Mozambique mission. Vortex holds a secret weapon unlocked by three keys, held by himself and two others. Fisher is killed by an elderly assassin disguised as a cleaner, and an accomplice steals his key. English chases the thief and recovers the key, only to have it taken by a faux flight attendant en route to London. He is humiliated in a meeting with the Foreign Secretary and Pegasus when he attempts to present the key and the conspiracy. He compounds his disgrace by mistakenly attacking Pegasus’s mother twice at a children’s party after encountering the Killer Cleaner...

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