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The James Bond Collection 007 DVD  di AA.VV.
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vende questo disco in provincia di Catania

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Contattare: Bella Michele
Via badalà 17, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia  (Catania)
Telefono: 3467042174

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The James Bond Collection 007 DVD

80,00 €



artista: AA.VV.

genere: FILM
ID titolo:16755

"The James Bond Collection 007 DVD" è in vendita da venerdì 12 marzo 2021 alle 19:16 in provincia di Catania

Note :
Synopsis: Box-set: All the Bond films are gathered together in this one-of-a-kind boxed set * every gorgeous girl,* nefarious villain and charismatic star from Sean Connery to Daniel Craig and now including the latest Bond film,* Spectre. Experience Bond with this fitting tribute to the most iconic and enduring secret agent in movie history.By Title: Dr. No *(1962) *- His name is Bond,* James Bond. And here,* in his explosive film debut,* Ian Flemings immortal action hero blazes through one of his most spectacular adventures. Sean Connery embodies the suave yet lethal cool of Agent 007 as he battles the mysterious Dr. No,* a scientific genius bent on destroying the U.S. space programme. From Russia with Love *(1963) *- Sean Connery returns as James Bond in this thrill-a-minute adventure featuring remarkable villains,* beautiful women and exotic locales. This time,* Bond squares off against the evil SPECTRE organisation in a race to seize a Soviet decoding machine,* thrusting him into a thrilling boat chase,* a brutal helicopter attack and a deadly brawl aboard the Orient Express. Goldfinger *(1964) *- Sean Connery reprises the role of James Bond as he pits his wits against the power-crazed criminal mastermind Goldfinger *(Gert Frobe) in the third of the long-running spy series. Goldfinger has secured most of the gold in the world and now plans to render the rest useless. Henchman Oddjob *(Harold Sakata) helps him realise his plans,* thanks to his unusually lethal bowler hat,* whilst Pussy Galore *(Honor Blackman) is the glamorous pilot who Goldfinger hopes will execute the raid on Fort Knox that will make him the richest man in the world. Can Bond save the day again or has he finally met his match in the man with the Midas touch. Thunderball *(1965) *- The thrills never let up as James Bond dives into this riveting adventure filled with explosive confrontations and amazing underwater action.

Custodia della custodia 1979-2002 difettosa (non si chiude bene). Cofanetto come da foto, con tracce di forma di penna sopra.

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